academy Brafittingu – Katowice

16 czerwiec 2015

Saturday workshops for lingerie stores within the Academy Brafittingu Firms Gaia selection of bras have been subordinated to a specific type of breast. Przyjrzałyśmy the different kinds of our busts and together the przekonałyśmy, that we are the best teachers for themselves. Skupiłyśmy primarily on choosing the width and height of baleen, degree buildings cup, because it determined the work on the breast bra. Określiłyśmy narrowly models – and szerokofiszbinowe the offer brand. Shops attracted attention turquoise – szerokofiszbinowa Thomass (499) Spring and the new design of bra for feeding (outside directory). the Przekonałyśmy, that the assessment of the circuit under the bust „more or less” It is very unreliable. Celebrity training „80” It was measured several times by participants, centimeter but still showed the same result. The group worked very hard and I thank! It was the last of spring training by Gaia. Another is planned in autumn. Thank you for the invitation to brand their conduct, Nattalex warehouse for help. Welcome to the next September!